
Saturday, January 18, 2014

MY SHERI CRAFTS CHALLENGE #125 - Delightful Digis

WOW! Can you believe it's 2014?!! We had a great holiday and now it's time to start up the challenges again. As the creator of this blog, I thought I would start the year by introducing myself and kicking off the first Guest Designer spot. I don't always get to join in all the challenges but we have an AWESOME group of ladies on our Design Team that come up with some great themes every other week to inspire you and keep your creative juices flowing. I've created a new 2014 Blog Challenge Award and look forward to seeing what everyone links up!

For this one, I really just wanted to color a digi image so the theme is simply to create any project using a digital image of your choice. Please share links to the where we can find your image and tell us some of your favorite places to find them! I'm always looking for inspiration from others and this is a great way to share. I applaud the artists out there that can create these wonderful images and provide them for download so please help Stamp Out Stamp Theft and always purchase your favorite images from legitimate sources. You can find out more HERE.


Sheri Holt

You can see more of my inspiration on my personal blog:

DT inspiration:


The winner of challenge 124 Guest Designer spot is:
(new challenge starts Feb 8th, 2013)

"Ooh-La-La" badge winners:
#3 Lexie
#6 Gail Scott
#24 Erin S
#26 Roberta
#32 Toni
#42 Denise
#48 Sammibug
#53 Judith W

Please email me for details and your blog award at!

Please look for details and instructions on each DT member's individual blogs! (Click their name above each set of photos for a link)


RULES: Please submit your projects by providing a "direct link" to the project and not to the main blog address. Please limit your entries to 3 per person per challenge. If you do not have a blog, you may link photos from any photo sharing service. Please ONLY link projects that are newly created with the My Sheri Crafts challenge in the title or description. Everyone is welcome to link their projects. Any entries commercial in nature will be deleted.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's 2014!

We hope every had a some rest and quality time with family over the holidays. We are a little behind starting the challenges this year but wanted to drop in for a quick note to let every know that we will start them back up on Saturday Jan. 18th at noon CST. 

We have a new badge available this year and look forward to bringing you more great challenges!

-The MY SHERI CRAFTS Design Team